What’s the craziest thing you saw while in combat?

What's the craziest thing you saw while in combat? by Sam Morningstar

Answer by Sam Morningstar:

Well, I’ve seen the effects of various types of rounds hitting human beings, and it might certainly be described as “crazy.” Although, even that might be an understatement.

But, the craziest – straaaange – thing I’ve seen is getting ambushed in a coordinated attack, and as we are scrambling to take up firing positions our SAW gunner is sprinting at full speed…trips in the dirt and falls into a drainage ditch. I mean, he just ate it. He ate is harder than I’ve ever seen anyone eat dirt.

And all the guys that were behind him or watching just started busting up laughing for a moment. It was fucking hilarious.

So, for that split instant you forgot where you were. It was like an automatic response mechanism that still expressed itself even in such a crazy and dangerous situation.

What's the craziest thing you saw while in combat?

About akiramorikawa

superconnection . pattern-recognition . iDesign
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